ready to improve your credit score?

At Pay Less Business Funding, we are proud to offer our clients exclusive Credit Restoration services to improve your personal or business credit score. A better credit score means you get better interest rates with lower monthly payments, lower insurance rates, and increased options, opportunities, and choices added back to your life again!

how does it work?

Our Credit Restoration Program works on ALL negative credit because it disputes the Credit Reporting Agency’s manner in which they are reporting. Since none of the 3 major Credit Bureaus (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) are in compliance with Section 609 of the Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), they must permanently delete all unverifiable items from your credit report.

Credit Restoration vs. Credit Repair

What’s the difference between credit restoration and credit repair?

Credit repair is a lengthy, expensive process that often fails to deliver what has been promised. Credit Repair Companies must charge a start-up fee and frequently a monthly fee, and the credit repair process is often drawn out in the financial company’s best interests. Credit repair is often successful in having some items removed, only to have them reported again later in a different reporting cycle. Thus, this is an impermanent change to your credit score.

Credit Restoration with Pay Less Business Funding is permanent. Information that is deleted or changed through Credit Restoration cannot be reporting without penalty. Major credit bureaus know they do not have the supporting documentation with your signature as verifiable proof, so that information is cannot be upheld legally.

More information on your credit score

Your credit score is determined by 5 factors of differing importance:

  1. 30% Amounts Owed - How much of your total credit have you used? Lowering your debit and credit card balances can be a key factor in a better credit score.

  2. 15% Length of History - How long have you had your credit history? A longer history of responsible credit use will lead to a higher score.

  3. 10% Types of Credit Used - Do you have more than one type of credit line? Having different types of credit (car loan, mortgage loan, credit card, business loan, etc,) can help your credit score.

  4. 10% New Credit - Have you recently opened new lines of credit? Opening several accounts in a short time can also lower your credit score.

  5. 35% Payment History - Do you pay your accounts on time? Late payments lead to dings on your credit history report and lower credit scores.

damaged credit scores can prevent
you from:

  • Buying a home

  • Renting a home

  • Renting an office space

  • Buying a vehicle

  • Getting a credit card

  • Paying lower interest rates

  • Getting a job

Negative items on a credit report often occur due to:

  • Late mortgage payments

  • Home short sale

  • Foreclosure

  • Tax liens or levy’s

  • Bankruptcy

  • Repossessions

  • Late payments

  • Collections

  • Student loans

  • Incorrect information

  • Identity Theft